This house has a wonderful set of French doors and windows. Therefore, we've decided to recycle and reuse some of these items. Things like built-in cupboards are a plenty and are still in good condition.
The French doors, which we will use again for the patio area. The previous owners painted the outside white and left the original wood color inside. We will be removing the white paint and keep the natural brown color.
The White French door
The white paint is peeling off - showing off the beautiful natural color
The French windows at the back kitchen will now be brought to the front entrance
The built-in for the walk-in wardrobe
The cabinet for the study area
The French doors, which we will use again for the patio area. The previous owners painted the outside white and left the original wood color inside. We will be removing the white paint and keep the natural brown color.
The French doors from the outside

Even the swing was left behind. It's hard to find a swing like this now a days. It used to belong to the previous's owner's wife. So roughly we guess that this swing will be about 30 years old. I am planning to paint it RED! I wonder what K will say about this?
Can you imagine this swing in RED?